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About ACQA

The Atlantic County Queer Alliance (ACQA) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization devoted to building a foundation of community among South Jersey's LGBTQIA+ organizations and individuals. Central to this effort is establishing partnerships with new and existing LGBTQIA+ organizations, which allows for cross-collaboration, creates more opportunity to reach the broader community, and ensures responsible stewardship of resources. ACQA is devoted to supporting its partner organizations through organizational management assistance, resources, event management and coordination assistance, and collaborative resource and information sharing. 

Our Story

The Atlantic County Queer Alliance was founded in 2023, but our story started in 2022. While organizing a hometown Pride Month event, we realized how many local LGBTQIA+ groups there are, and how they were disconnected and unaware of each other. As a result, these groups were doubling up on existing efforts, over using their already limited resources, and not always reaching the community the way they intended. Because of this disconnect, our community was losing out on valuable information, events, activities, and resources. 


This realization started a conversation: we needed an organization to keep our community connected and ensure our existing organizations had the supports they needed and had the training and resources to accomplish their goals. From this conversation, the Atlantic County Queer Alliance was born. 

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